Work stages
Stage 1 – collecting key queries, clustering, and expanding the range of services.
The main key queries were: private house construction, turnkey private house construction, frame house construction, and construction company.
We created additional sections and pages on each website, adding related key queries such as: architect services for house design, foundation construction, site improvement, fence construction, etc. We also included mid- and low-frequency queries related to construction (e.g., house construction + single-story, frame house construction + garage, etc.).
As a result, we ended up with about 200 key queries used for promotion and search advertising.
Stage 2 – Website design and advertising work.
After launching search ads, we noticed that people interested in private house construction fall into three categories: 1. those who already own a plot but no house and want to build from scratch, 2. those planning construction in the distant future, and 3. those who already own a house and a plot and want to build an extension or renovate their existing home.
With this information, we created special forms for house design and construction requests, expanding the form fields to gather as much information as possible to determine the client’s stage in the process.
This format was also used for advertising to set conversion goals.